I have collected a list of places where you can go get your free counter. Some of the services include detailed stats which we like to call trackers.I have only put down a few examples of counters, so the page will not be too slow. If you just want a simple counter I would recommend Countme.The best counter I like is PageCount, it has good stats and loads quickly. As for a tracker I like WebSide Story the best
Site Meter New counter/tracker- thanks David Smith.Several different counter styles.The Web Counter can be customized by Text Color, Background Color, Size, Font, & Commas.Tracks the page views, visits, visit duration Displays Dynamic 3D graphs and reports of the site visitor traffic. Its fast and Free
WebSide Story - the best web tracter that I have found. No counter but it gives you stats on unique impressions, visitors,hourly,daily,weekly and monthly.I use this for my homepage.
JCount Counters - It scrolls the count and date across a moving starfield. Also has a advertisement with it
RAMBLER'S Top 100 Counter - Nice small counter and gives online stats. Gives you a choice on many different categories you can join.
PANDAWA - Get your counter and tracker for your site.Pandawa offers a FREE counter for Indonesian sites.
The Ultimate Counter - This site features an easy-to-use web counter service. You can choose from over 500 digits styles for use on your home page as a counter or clock. The basic service is completely free and includes a small banner attached to each counter.
LBInet Counters - Claims to be one of the fastest, most accurate, and most reliable on the web today. Comes with a advertisement
Nedstat USA -NedStat does more then just count hits. It also compiles information about the those visits, such as: Number of hits per hour, per day of the week, and where the person who visited your site is from.
Nedstat -No counter display stats only. Loads quickly, keeps an accurate count, useful stats a very good choice. (Dutch).
Siteflow HVBcount - Free counter if less than 500 hits per day. Great stats, also you can create your own style, they list the specifics at their site, create and e-mail the finished product. They take care of the rest and you've got a personalized counter.
Page Count -Free counter with great stats. I like the layout of their stats, very easy to read. Comes with a banner advertisement.
Net-User Counter -Similiar to Page Count big banner with counter display. I like Page Count's stats better.
Claim For It -Free web tracker with good stats broken down by each page of your site.
CountMe -Free counter easy to set up. Many different styles, including Roman Numerals. You can make a clock, count backwards, or display different qoutes with your counter.
Link Korea - Free digital style counter. Lot's of options for appearance, including using the counter as a clock or calendar.
Count4All -Many styles to choose from, very nice looking counters. Easy registration, fill out the form and they e-mail you the html.
Internet Count -No counter display.
Webpal -No counter display, but useful stats.
Aaddzz-This place you can counter with hunders of differnt styles and trackers with very high detail.
IP-Stat- Just your basic tracker
Cam's Dynamic Counter Applet-Simply insert the following code into your home page, and the counter does the magic. When someone comes to visit your, the counter is incremented beforeyour eyes. All you have to do is change the value of URL to match Your URL. Its easy and fun.
Reynolds Enterprises -Just copy a line of html down and you get a counter. But the counter does not work on black backgrounds.
JavaCount-The counter looks great but it shows a advertisement on it.
Web Right Services FREE Counter!-501 counter styles to choose from and they will email you your html code after you fill out the form.
WWW Homepage Access Counter and Clock!-They give you a clock and a counter.
Hit Counter -now this is a really simple counter to own.