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Free CGI Scripts

Looking to spruce up your web site? We found a few interesting scripts that seem popular on the internet that are free.But we lucked out and found free JavaScripts for your site. However, the 24-hour JavaScripts site has everything you could possibly need by way of JavaScript. It has downloads for hundreds of JavaScripts that do everything.In fact they currently have 988 scripts. However, it is much more than just a download site. Each member (it is FREE to join) has a personalized account that identifies him or her throughout the site. There are forums and how-to sites. If you are interested in JavaScript, you should check it out. If you join tell them greatwhite sent you.

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You can add a lot of features to your web page by using these sites that offer remote cgi-hosting. I would suggest putting a mail form on your page if your interested in getting feedback from visitors.

Free CGI - Random link, random image, forms and more. All for free, just cut and paste.

Mailform - Free mailforms plus instructions on how to modify the form to meet your needs.

Free Mail by Remote - Free form.

Voting Booth - Allows vistors to vote on a question you ask. Voting Booth Builder makes it easy, supply the question, the answers for the drop down list, your URL, and your ready to go. It keeps track of the voting results and now supports multiple questions.

Free Jump Box - Get a free jump box like the one below. They make it easy for you to create, enter the name and URL, then cut-and-paste HTML.

CGI FREE - Free CGI hosting, just cut-and-paste the HTML into your page Browser redirection, clock, random quote, random image, form mailer, and more.

Comfo Canada Corp. - Free mail form with up to 12 input fields.

FormMailer - Want a form on your page without the hassle of CGI scripting? Then check out this service. After signing up here, you can put a form on your page and then have the data E-mailed to you. Service provided by Madeira World. This company also provides Free Guestbooks.

AnyForm - There are two version of AnyForm. You can either download the CGI program and use it on your server , or if you do not have CGI access, you may use the service provide on their site.

CGI Free- is a great service, all for free, where you may download CGI scripts, or use them on CGI Free's server, for quick and simple access. Service including Free Guestbooks , Free Forms and many other free CGIs.

FreeForm- A good form mailer. You do not need to be able to access CGI on your provider's server. You don't even have to know CGI! FreeForm will even generate the HTML for you.